Witchblade #9
Image Comics
Written by Marguerite Bennett
Art by Giuseppe Cafaro
Colors by Arif Prianto
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Sara faces off against Jackie Estacado and makes a strange discovery.

With her boss on her tail, Sara finds herself squaring off with Jackie Estacado near the Bronx Zoo. As she confronts him about the human trafficking his family is connected to, Jackie is not only surprised, but the Witchblade begins to react to the dark creatures that surround Jackie.
As the pair continue to spar, Sara finds that he receives some unexpected help. Help that forces the two of them to talk about what is going on in his family’s organization. As Sara leaves, she realizes that she might be wrong about something significant and Ian continues to hide a secret.
The Story: Bennett delivers a thrilling, compelling and engaging story in this issue. The story is filled with great action and an awesome revelation that leads Sara down some interesting and unexpected roads. I like the tension between her and Jackie as well as the growing tension with Ian. The story also delivers more great mystery and surprises throughout the issue.
The Art: Cafaro delivers some beautifully detailed and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. I continue to love the visual style of the series and the look of its world.